Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Nietzsche's Kisses by Lance Olsen

I bought this book at AWP. Just couldn't not buy it. The premise is it's Nietzsche's last night, he's gone crazy, and he's remembering back to major events and people in his life, including his sister, who warped his views to go along with the Nazi party, which he would have hated.

A good intro to Nietzsche, if you've been curious and need an in to his philosophy, though I would recommend diving right into that too, maybe at Beyond Good and Evil. Or the Reader.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Paroxis Histérica podcast

A metal podcast from Colombia did a recent episode on singer Dawn Crosby, citing an essay by José Saramago and one by me (!). It's my essay "The Ghosts of Dawn Crosby" at ENTROPY. They even asked permission to use it and everything. 

If you speak español, or even if you don't, check out the podcast at Anchor:

Or at Spotify:

They go through the musical development of Crosby, from Detente to Fear of God, playing full songs, so a good listen just for that.