Saturday, March 23, 2024

Central Avenue Then & Now

Good mail day: The editors Dale Harris and Merimée Moffitt, of an old zine I used to publish in long ago—so long that I didn't even remember some of my own poems!—called Central Avenue, out of Albuquerque around the years 2001-2006, decided to track down as many of their old contributors as possible and ask them to submit new poetry for an anthology. The result, called Central Avenue Then & Now, features at least one poem from the old zine and one new one. 
I'm honored they tracked me down and let me be a part of it. Makes me miss New Mexico! I was there, in Santa Fe, from 2001 to 2003ish, then returned to the area as a fire lookout for 2015-16. Old poem: "Devil's Canyon Fire." New poem: "Cerro Pelado Lookout Mid-August."

Real actual book available thru Amazon:

Saturday, March 9, 2024