Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Music/Música by Mario Benedetti

I don't have official permission to translate poems by Uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti, but I'm putting some up here because, 1) He's not well known outside of South America but should be, and 2) his official translator is doing a horrible job (adding words, changing sentences structure). Here's the first:



If one could insert oneself into the music

and rest there while the world

continues being a combustible racket

maybe I could stop death

without weighty reasons / simply

because it is maddening and never defeated

if one could install oneself in the music

be violin or guitar or clavichord

and choose sweet hallucinations

or timid temporary questions

the soul would sound like a dream

or the miracle of a bird suspended

but no one has been able to introduce themselves

like a spy between two modulations /

in that odd strip of ringings

the music will always be for others

others who prowl through the night

until threading the needle of insomnia

—Mario Benedetti (trans. John Yohe)


Si uno pudiera insertarse en la música

y descansar allí mientras el mundo

sigue siendo un estruendo combustible

tal vez podría detener la muerte

sin razones de peso / simplemente

porque es latosa y no se rinde nunca

si uno pudiera instalarse en la música

ser violín o guitarra o clavicordio

y elegir dulces alucinaciones

o tímida pregunta temporales

el almo sonaría como un sueño

o el milagro de un pájaro en suspenso

pero nadie had podido introducirse

como espía entre dos modulaciones /

en esa franja impar de los tañido

la música será siempre de otros

otros ue por la noche merodean

hasta enhebrar la aguja del insomnio

—Mario Benedetti


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