Wednesday, July 10, 2024

ITERANT online version now up!

The online version of ITERANT #14, Illiterate Moon, is now up! You can find my translations of poems by Manuel Vilas along with the originals in spanish. And, gulp, recordings of me reading both versions!


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Manuel Vilas translation at ITERANT

My translations of three Manuel Vilas poems are now out in the ITERANT #14, Illiterate Moon.

Soon to be online too, I think, but order the print edition here:


Friday, June 28, 2024

Summer at Five Minute Lit

My flash fiction "Summer" now up at Five Minute Lit!

Lightning on Lake Michigan at Night by Mary Lee Dereske

Saturday, May 18, 2024

fire woman

Excited to have my poem "fire woman" featured in the Poetry Maps project as part of ARTx: Art + Ideas Experience Arizona this year! See my poem along with all the others at the installation at the Museum of Northern Arizona anytime from May 18-26. Also featured in at least one bus in Flagstaff!