Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The One

Recently re-discovered the copy of CURBSIDE REVIEW (I guess now defunct) in which this appeared, way back in 2003. 

The One


            Tu es pure, tu es encore plus

            pure que moi-même



If I say I have given up nothing

it is not true

and the smoke doesn’t care

if I go


her mouth

her eyes

I may be the only one to speak of them

the only one to have been surrounded

and choked by the heat


and fire has a face

a hated face

a hating face

your face

you who I will not name who other men have known


the dirt says: on me

the ashes say: on me

embers sense your presence

and our best moments

still burn


the sadness of knowing you

the sadness of having you

or not


the impatience of waiting

the corruption

you who forgets


who brings absence and takes me from the world

I hate you for crying

which destroys me and creates itself

like fire



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