Originally appeared at MOJAVE HEART, now defunct, January 2019.
A Fire Lookout Manual
Wind from the southwest
sitting on the east side of the
tower catching enough to keep
bugs at bay with a big dark rain
cloud over Ola tracking east
across High Valley tho north
mostly clear with ‘fair weather
cumulus’ according to the poster
Boise Dispatch weather guy
gave us lookouts in June
now its July and I’m in jeans
and a hoodie because when
clouds go over the sun and the
wind too the temperature drops
drastically—other days I might
be just in shorts or naked usually
in the morning when no one will
be dropping in since its a 2-hour
hike minimum from any of the
trailheads—more really— not
counting the drive though one
guy did show up around 8:30
one morning with his two dogs
said he'd left Boise at 4:30
actually did get caught one time
doing laundry on a hot day
just some dish soap in a bucket
and hot water squeezing it out
hanging underwear and shirts on
the fence tho they tend to blow
off in the wind but I was naked
inside heating the second round
opened the screen door and whoah!
people down by the helispot
so I threw on jeans and shirt
and continued like nothing
they came up and said nothing
so maybe didn’t even see me
the mom had been up before
she was friendly but the rest
didn’t stay long—nobody does
tho my tower in Arizona
(Ed Abbey’s old Aztec tower)
which had a road all the way up
attracted different types
people driving 2 hours from
Phoenix past all kinds of trails
and creeks woods and meadows
all to walk 20 feet from their
cars to the tower stairs and sure
the view was nice but many
seemed to want to see me
to talk to me as if I were a wise
man or kook (that last is true)
and there were always Visitors
whereas here I go days w/o
people which is nice—to quote
Bukowski ‘I don’t hate people,
I just feel better when they’re not
around’ but now I hear voices
coming up the trail who would
come up on a wednesday
w/a rain storm to the south?
oh hell I might—wonder
if there'll be lightning today—
tomorrows my day off I’ll
go into Boise to buy food—
I’m eating a salad every day—
but I guess I’ll brew some tea
and get ready for the Visitors
when the wind dies down
up here bugs do come out
flies mostly and horseflies
and the big fat hovering kind
that never land or bite but just
seem to watch me but too
butterflies of all colors
and sizes flitting and fluttering
around rocks below the tower
and sometimes my head
when I’m out on the catwalk
aggregating rubbing antennae
looks like they’re playing—
looping around in pairs or
groups or singly climbing
diving and swooping just for
sheer joy tho some bugologist
would spoil everything and
explain I know the explanation
would even be interesting but
there would be no play so yes
here I am wanting to remain
willfully ignorant—the attitude
I despise most in americans
and people in general but today
is cold and rainy a cold wind
possibly lightning tho maybe not
and I’ll still sit out on the catwalk
and read and it will be good
but a butterfly or two is nice
there is a fire lookout manual
there’s a manual in the federal
government for everything
(even apparently torture) but
really looking out for fires is
basic (I fear trained monkeys
will replace me) it’s just a sense
of familiarity with the landscape
and watching it every day all
day changing w/the light and
weather like Manet water lilies
and haystacks except bigger so
when a smoke puffs up you
notice it right off tho yes during
storms you pay attention to
downstrikes and look in those
areas first thing in the morning
and yes I do get out the binos
scanning the far mountains
especially to the north—cells
seem to track over there I’m
not sure why tho Francis an
older guy who’s worked on the
Forest for 40 years thinks
because there’s what he calls
a heat wall to the west in the
high desert BLM Land blocking
Oregon and Nevada clouds
or that’s what’s happening
this summer anyways
I should probably shave today
worried not taking advantage
of time here to do more
constructive things like write
but most people would think I’m
an idiot for being anxious
about anything up here but
it’s my nature as one ex-
girlfriend pointed out when
she gave me a worry stone from
Fire Island (though she didn’t
know about Frank O’Hara)
it’s round and flatish smooth
and I kept it in my jacket pocket
all through my time in New York
rubbing it with my fingers
turning it in my hand I still have
it though don’t carry it so much
as keep it in my little pile of
sacred things I bring with me
wherever I move tho I’m not
sure where it is now probably
in my truck but the point is why
be anxious until the end of summer
and even after why be anxious
about anything anywhere? just do
what needs to be done well—but
what about the future and money
why even write or play music
they feel good in the moment
but don’t earn me money tho
jobs are interesting too or can
be and should be else why do
them? and they get me meeting
people which I guess is good
tho I like sitting on this mountain
alone watching clouds build
over the Middle Fork playing
mandolin and reading Basho
tho even Buddha said friends
are everything or at least
friends gathered to meditate
tho he also said that if you
can’t find good friends you
should go alone which is what
I’ve been doing for forever
met some good people
on the way tho our paths went
always different
a cow elk bathes in the alpine
lake below almost every day
when there’s sun—sometimes
joined by two sisters but mostly
she wades in up to her neck eating
lily pads like catnip I mean she
thrashes her head around in what
can only be pleasure though I’m
sure being in the water keeps flies
away which cows up here (the
Forest still sells grazing allotments
at a loss) haven’t figured out they
just shit everywhere and tear
up the whole mountain
always go barefoot—that’s the
blessing of being a fire lookout
you don’t have to put up with
silly social rules tho no women
in hosiery up here—no women
at all hardly tho 2 weeks ago
a teenage girls church group
hiked up from Sagehen Camp-
ground and my eyes about
bugged out but they were
mormons so—en masse any-
ways—they’d be even gooder
girls than any others but to
answer the question I get most
no I don’t get lonely—only
when I go down for a day off
in Boise and see the women
especially in the grocery store
where they’re not even trying
to look good but they look
really good because real and
I have thoughts like if I didn’t
run away out to the woods all
the time maybe one of those
women would like to sip green
tea with me and then I get a
twinge of loneliness but then
I come back up to the mountain
and think no it’s ok I’m alright
the firefinder is called an
adelaide I don’t know why tho
most people call it a firefinder
except old-timers or else sometimes
they say aladaide you can check
the official manual if you care
but just call it a firefinder and
the real skill you need is to read
maps to look out at a mountain
and find it on the map so you
can rough estimate how far
away the smoke is and a
tentative legal the township
range and section number which
matters as to whether an
engine crew gets sent up the
east side or west side of a
mountain and how far they have
to hike in which can make them
very angry with you if you
fuck up but mostly Dispatch
sends a helicopter first and/or
air-attack plane and they
gps the fire exactly but still you
need to get the right mountain or
drainage because sometimes
at the end of the summer when
the forest is nice and wet the
upper-ups may decide to just let
the fire burn if it’s out in
the middle of nowhere which
is a good thing to just let it
burn like fires did all the
time until about 100 years ago
when we started putting them out
now our forests are glutted with
dead and down fuels so in the dry
season we get catostrophic fires
which burn everything when healthy
fires burn the dead and down but
leave bigger trees and in fact
some trees need fire either to
cause their seeds to sprout or
to kill off invasive bugs and
so I say to you are you letting
your own fires burn sometimes?
sure fire is dangerous if
you’re not careful but imagine
your inner forest clear of
debris your inner trees strong
and healthy that comes from
embracing fire not feeding it
but not fighting it either let
it do its thing and keep a
lookout on high to observe
and can you read the map
of your heart can you tell
someone where your fires are?
the best
way to
find the
of a fire
is two
a cross
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